JVRub (Hand In Rub Disinfectant)

  • Hygienic Hand Disinfection: Rub JVRub (Twice) 1.5ml or 2 pushes of calibrated pump well over clean, dry hands and nail grooves for 30 seconds.
  • Surgical Hand Disinfection: Rub JVRub (9ml or 6 pushes of pump), well over clean, dry hands, grooves & up to elbows rub for 1.5 minutes, keeping the skin moist.


JVShield (Hand In Rub Disinfectant)

  • Apply on operative and pre – operative skin region to be treated. Allow to dry (up to 30 seconds before) should be applied full strength, as often as required, as a point or wet soak.
  • Paint skin 2 to 3 times for optimum results.